Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boy Wonder

Another very interesting week, the outside of my house looks like a warzone! Concretors have been here since Thursday getting ready to do lots, paths, driveway and the areas at the front and out door alfresco. My backyard has been dug up and there is now more dirt than lawn, lots of mess for my dogs to bring inside.

It was a relief to take Player and Alex to a Dog Show yesterday and leave all the mess behind me, at least for a few hours. The show was held in the Southern Highlands, it is beautiful country and it was a truly georgous day. There was no wind and about 20 degrees. Alex had a great day and managed to beat all the other Toy Poodles - he won his age class in group - he turns 8 months old next Thursday so I am extremely pleased and proud of his great wins over the last few weeks.

Myself, Jhett 13, and Tamzen 10, (My grandkids) went to see "Whip It" at the movies on Wednesday and I managed to eat all the right things that day. I had weigh in on the Tuesday and lost 1.9 kilos, then had lunch with a friend and there was no way of undoing it. Have had friends over for lunch today and dread weigh in this week - I will walk to Engadine tomorrow and hope for the best.

The BIG POUR is Tuesday and I can't imagine what that day is going to be like as I have no exit front or back. It will be ok for me, but my 4 legged friends????? All six of them will need to be toileted by carrying them over a plank !!!!!!!!many times I wonder what I will be thinking when I go to bed that night and THAT DAY IS OVER. Stay tuned!!!!!!!!

Alex - Minor in Group

Had an enjoyable day at the show today and it doesn't hurt to have a lovely win to make it even more enjoyable. Alex won Best of Breed and gained another 13 points towards his title. He then went on to get Minor In Group. He looks a little different now that his first photo on my blog; they grow up SO fast!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Poodle Club Show yesterday after 1 week of cold and wet weather it was a dry day with no wind.Alex won the best Toy at this show winning Best of Breed Toy and then Minor in Show a big effort for a very young dog our trophys were GREAT with 2 vouchers worth $65 buying some Canin Dog Food.All the guys are having Lamb Shanks this morning a nice reward to all for Alex`s win.My white babies are 1 week old today very fat and content easy time now if the Mum is a good one with Lilly is.
The house a few more things done last week screen door now on rear door new TV to be ready this Wednesday. Driveway and more paths to be done hopefully late this week John started to demolish old shed (formally our called in on Saturday and dinner at my daughters last night a very good week.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What a week

What a interesting week moved into new house last Monday hard time with girls being in season rotating them around all week was no mean feat with the 2 boys loooking for them must say Player was GREAT Alex well 7 months old and think he knows it all what a time was had.3 girls are now finished being mated my white litter was born today 2 girls and 1 boy all well, perfect.All done insde no more box`s left to unpack all looks great just love the house now image what I will think when its finished!!!!!!Rain all long weekend and cold not Spring at all. Poodle Club Show next weekend showing Alex looking forward as no shows for a coulple of weeks now.
Work tomorrow for Jonno maybe a car wash and movie for me.